Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'



1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 307 X 180s (921m)
    * Total: 15h21m


January has been a better month for clear skies making astro imaging possible once again. Hooray! M78 in Orion is a reflection nebula approx 1600 light years from Earth with NGC2071 to its North. Also visible is part of the H-Alpha cloud known as Barnard’s Loop which encircles the left-hand/East side of the constellation. Barely visible on following the line of the dark lane in the centre of M78…


2 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 280 X 300s (1400m)
    * Total: 23h20m

    Integration time target
    * Target: 24 hours
    * Progress: 99%


Sat 14th October


4 minute read

    Integration time:
    * SII 75 x 300s (375m)
    * Ha 86 x 300s (430m)
    * OIII 53 x 300s (265m)
    * Total: 1070m/17h50m

    Integration time target
    * Target: 20 hours
    * Progress: 89%


28th April 2023 I recently acquired a more capable processing PC which has opened the door to re-processing of lots of old data which was languishing untouched due to the unreasonable length of time required for the old PC to run Pixinsight. Nine months after the initial acquisition, the…

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