Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'


4 minute read

    Integration time:
    * SII 75 x 300s (375m)
    * Ha 86 x 300s (430m)
    * OIII 53 x 300s (265m)
    * Total: 1070m/17h50m

    Integration time target
    * Target: 20 hours
    * Progress: 89%


28th April 2023 I recently acquired a more capable processing PC which has opened the door to re-processing of lots of old data which was languishing untouched due to the unreasonable length of time required for the old PC to run Pixinsight. Nine months after the initial acquisition, the…


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 139 X 120s (278m)
    * Total: 4h38m

In spite of the pretty poor weather, galaxy season is still underway. I’m really happy with the detail in M108 and the central star in M97. The Antlia RGB filter is proving challenging at the processing stage as some very unusual reflections are apparent. This might also be light leaks in the flats (more likely, in fact). To be investigated.


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 10 X 300s (50m)
    * Total: 50m
    Integration time target
    * Target: 3 hours
    * Progress: 28%

An unexpected clear couple of hours gave me the chance to check the recalibration of backlash on the EQ6R Pro which now seems to work nicely having guided at around 0.7"/px consistently last night. By way of as test I shot some 5 minute frames on M64 followed by some flats and flat darks in accordance with my new calibration frames…


2 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 231 X 300s (1155m)
    * Total: 19h15m
    Integration time target
    * Target: 20 hours
    * Progress: 96%

The main observatory mount needs a strip down and re-grease to rectify poor guiding. While this work is undertaken I have switched to the fantastic HEQ5 Pro and the 80mm refractor which consistently guides at an RMS of 0.2 - 0.3"/px and sometimes lower. The Tadpoles and Spider Nebula is a brand new target which should remain…


2 minute read

    Integration time 80ED (running total):
    * OSC 41 X 300s (205m)
    * Total: 3h25m

    Integration time 200PDS (running total):
    * OSC 206 X 300s (1030m)
    * Total: 17h10m
    Integration time target
    * Target: 10 hours
    * Progress: 171%


15th December 2022 Another superb clear night which was warmer than yesterday reaching -4.5°C. One of the very best imaging nights with a total of 20h30m data gathered with two rigs! I have plenty of data now so time to process the…


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 13 X 120s (26m0s)
    * OSC 11 X 30s (5m30s)
    * OSC 11 X 10s (1m50s)
    * Total: 33m20s
    Integration time target
    * Target: TBC hours
    * Progress: TBC%

This is really just the start of a project which might run of of darkness and altitude this year and have to be finished next year! What is remarkable is the result from just a little over half an hour, made possible by the QHY268C camera and the power of BlurXterminator and…


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 100 X 300s (500m)
    * Total: 8h00m

Still experimenting with the QHY268C. This image was much harder to process than anticipated with data from two nights.

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