Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'

Globular Clusters

A visual comparison of five clusters in the Messier list


1 minute read


  • Rig: ASI294MC Pro + Orion Optics CT8 + EQ6R-Pro
  • Software: NINA/PixInsight
  • Filters: Antlia Triband RGB
    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC Between 30 and 60 X 60s per image

Seeing index: Poor (2)
Jet stream: Ave/Good (12 m/s)
Transparency: Good (4)

Seeing forecast

Seeing forecast


Here we have five globulars in the Messier list: M3, M5, M13, M12 and M92 photographed on 28th April in one session. I thought it would be interesting to see them side-by-side. The transparency was good but yet again the seeing was poor which has affected the stars in the clusters which never reached a decent altitude. The image scale and rotation of each is identical. Each image has between 30 mins and one hour of exposure.

Globular Clusters - click to expand

Globular Clusters - click to expand

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