Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'

M27 Dumbbell Nebula

Planetary nebula in Vulpecula


1 minute read


  • Rig: ZWO ASI294MC Pro + Stellalyra 6in Classical Cassegrain + HEQ5 Pro
  • Software: NINA/PixInsight
  • Filters: None
  • Constellation: Vulpecula
    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 81 X 60s (81m)
    * Total: 1h21m

Seeing index: Ave (3)
Jet stream: Ave (16 m/s)
Transparency: Ave (3)

Seeing forecast

Seeing forecast

M27 altitude chart

M27 altitude chart

M27 - click to expand

M27 - click to expand


This was an experiment to test plate solving using the Stellalyra CC 1836mm combined with the ASI294MC camera. The smaller sensor of the ASI662MC proved just too small at such a long focal length for plate solving to work. The result was surprisingly good, aminly due to the excellent guing of the HEQ5 Pro mount. It was necessary to keep exposures relatively short at 60s but the set up worked really quite well.

Also, it is noteworthy that on a relatively bright target the F12 CC is perfectly OK for astrophotography though it might be better on a bigger mount than the HEQ5 Pro which would allow longer exposures.

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