Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'


1 minute read


  • Rig: ZWO ASI294MC Pro + Sky-Watcher 72ED DS Pro + HEQ5
  • Software: NINA/PixInsight
  • Filters: Antlia ALP-T Dual Narrowband
  • Constellation: Cygnus
    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 37 X 120s (74m)
    * Total: 1h14m
    Integration time target
    * Target: 6 hours
    * Progress: 25%

Seeing index: OK (3)
Transparency: Good (4)

Sadr region and NGC6888 - click to expand

Sadr region and NGC6888 - click to expand

NGC6888/SH2_105 altitude chart

NGC6888/SH2_105 altitude chart


The night, though short was gorgeous. The seeing was variable and half the frames were thrown away due to abberations in the sharpness of the image. Another few similar evenings will be needed to improve this image and reduce the noise it displays on close examination. This was the first imaging light for a cheap Skywatcher 72ED I picked up in the autumn which I am really impressed with for both visual and, now, imaging. The ASI294 has also performed really well to capture some of the OIII halo around the crescent nebula itself. The Stellamira flattener has worked well but some eccentricity of stars is apparent on the extreme edges with slightly more on the right. Blur Xterminator effectively removes this however.

Due to guiding issues, I chose to run the session unguided at 120 seconds rather than the planned 300 seconds,

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