- Rig: ASI294MC Pro + Stellalyra 6" Classical Cassegrain + HEQ5 Pro
- Software: NINA/PixInsight
- Filters: Antlia ALP-T Dual narrowband
- Constellation: Perseus
Integration time (running total):
* OSC 35 X 300s (175m)
* Total: 2h55m
Seeing index: 3
Jet stream: Poor
This is an experiment I am not sure I will continue. The target is faint, too faint really for the slow cassegrain scope at f12. Nevertheless, I am pleased to see that enough signal was recorded to make something of an image, especially as this is the equivalent of only 45 minutes' exposure with the faster Newtonian. The scope at a focal length of 1836mm guided really well on the small HEQ5 Pro mount. A fairly high proportion of frames were discarded but this is due, I think, to the appallingly bad seeing caused by the turbulent after effects of storm Isha.
Try as I might, I still can see neither a fossil nor a footprint…