- Rig: ASI294MC Pro + Askar FMA180 + AZ-GTI
- Software: NINA/PixInsight - Software Set 2
- Filters: Optolong L-Enhance 2"
Integration time:
* 174 x 60s (2h54m)
* Total: 2h45m
19th November 2022 The current long run of cloudy skies has freed up a bit of time to catch with some processing and experimentation. The latest image is properly calibrated and processed with Bill Blanshan’s Pixinsight script for Hubble pallet images using OSC data.
11th August 2022 The run was perfect last night with not a single dropped frame. Quite a contrast to the bigger scope on the observatory pier.
Integration time:
* 172 x 120s (5h46m)
10th August 2022 Now that the rig is proven I am gathering more data on this lovely target. Managing to get 5 hours per night at the moment which coupled with the string of clear nights is delivering a huge bank of data to process. The run was perfect last night with not a single dropped frame out of 167.
Integration time:
* 167 x 120s (5h36m)