Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'



1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 307 X 180s (921m)
    * Total: 15h21m


January has been a better month for clear skies making astro imaging possible once again. Hooray! M78 in Orion is a reflection nebula approx 1600 light years from Earth with NGC2071 to its North. Also visible is part of the H-Alpha cloud known as Barnard’s Loop which encircles the left-hand/East side of the constellation. Barely visible on following the line of the dark lane in the centre of M78…


1 minute read

Tonight was unexpectedly clear, although the seeing was average at best. M42 was just scraping above the houses begging to be sketched! The lack of Moon was a bonus and once the heat haze from the chimneys was no longer making the seeing even worse, I spent a fabulous hour observing Jupiter, the Pleiades, the Hyades and finishing with M42. The nebulosity was clearly visible from the outset in the fast Dobsonian and a 24mm eyepiece. With greater dark adaption the fainter nebula became visible and…


2 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 280 X 300s (1400m)
    * Total: 23h20m

    Integration time target
    * Target: 24 hours
    * Progress: 99%


Sat 14th October


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 23 X 300s (115m)
    * Total: 1h55m


Seeing index: 4/2
Jet stream: Average Transparency: Average


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 5 X 300s (30m)
    * Total: 0h30m

Between the clouds the other day I squeezed in 30 minutes of exposure time on the border between Cassiopeia and Cepheus, a region full of interesting objects. The view in the photo is wide field - 6.6 x 4.8 degrees. Due to the short exposure the H alpha clouds are mainly colourless (e.g. the Lobster Claw Nebula) and the resolution is somewhat poor but I thought it quite an interesting exercise to point the…


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 365 X 60s (365m)
    * Total: 6h05m
    Integration time target
    * Target: 6 hours
    * Progress: 100%


Seeing index: Excellent 5/4
Jet stream: Poor (32m/s) Moon phase: 80%
Transparency: Poor

Mid-Wales Dark Sky

Observing plan for Bortle 3 dark sky trip


1 minute read

Almost defeated by the dire Autumn weather. On the night of 9th a brief 45 minute spell with gaps to the heavens gave poor views of M31 but surprisingly good ones of M57 (x150). The following morning dawned clear (again briefly, after another night of thick cloud) to the beautiful sight of the crescent Moon with earthshine, Venus and between the two the still-visible star Regulus in Leo.

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