First, you need to extract your stars from the main image using Starnet2, Star Xterminator etc. The meteor will be merged into the stars image when we have extracted it as below.
'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'
First, you need to extract your stars from the main image using Starnet2, Star Xterminator etc. The meteor will be merged into the stars image when we have extracted it as below.
Objects to observe with optimum dates
ASI662 + Stellalyra CC
November - February
From the Webb Deep Sky Society 'An Introduction to Visual Deep-Sky Observing'
The scale below has been reversed from the Webb Society scale which puts excellent values at 1 and poor values at 5 in order to match Meteoblue. However the exact decriptions may not tally exactly with the Meteoblue astronomers’ forecast. To be monitored.
Deconvolution settings for sharpening the surface of the Moon
Tips from Damian Peach and Christopher Go
From the Astrofarsography Youtube video at Practical Astronomy Show 2019 in Kettering.
Get .deb
file from this location (update version and Ubuntu version as required):
https://github.com/wxFormBuilder/wxFormBuilder/releases/download/v4.1.0/wxformbuilder_4.1.0_ubuntu-22.04_amd64.deb ) and install it with the package manager. (The path for future versions may need to be verified.)