Moon - North Pole
Also showing some of the prominent craters and features in the North-East quadrant

Lucky imaging: best 25% frames from 2000 video frames. Mosaic of two images
'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'
Also showing some of the prominent craters and features in the North-East quadrant
Lucky imaging: best 25% frames from 2000 video frames. Mosaic of two images
A sketch made from an image taken on 28th April 2023 when the Moon was eight days old. The last few weeks have been so cloudy and the Moon so low as to make direct observation impossible.
A sketch made over two evenings, taking about one hour in total. Sketching was made easier by being possible before nightfall and the sketch pad therefore being visible without a torch.
Integration time: OSC 1 X 2/5s @ F9
A live stream in Sharpcap. Click “Read More” below to watch.