Huge Craters, Dramatic Shadows
An evening of superb views and experiments in image making.

Lucky imaging: best 25% frames from 10000 video frames.
'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'
An evening of superb views and experiments in image making.
Lucky imaging: best 25% frames from 10000 video frames.
The huge crater Copernicus displays clear ejecta rays and lines of mini craters caused by the scattering of debris from the meteor impact that created it many millions of years ago.
I thought it was worth trying sketching again considering the diabolical weather. This is done with white charcoal pencil on black cartridge paper (and so isn’t reversed in the scan). This I found actually much easier than sketching in pencil. It shows the craters Orontius, Saussure, Huggins, Nasireddin and Miller and is drawn from a photo taken at 21h15 on 28th April this year.
Lucky imaging: mosiac of 9 images using best 25% or 50% frames from 500 video frames.
A beautiful halo showed all evening today. Jupiter is also visible just to the right of the Moon.
Also showing some of the prominent craters and features in the North-East quadrant
Lucky imaging: best 25% frames from 2000 video frames. Mosaic of two images
Integration time:
Main image: Lucky imaging: best 50% frames from 4000 video frames.
Image below: Lucky imaging: best 50% frames from 1000 video frames.
A sketch of Jupiter very close to sunrise
This morning gave a really excellent view of Jupiter in the Dobsonian. The sky was lightening constantly as I watched and the reduction in contrast against the sky I believe enhanced considerably the view and removed any diffraction spiking that might have intruded. Venus as a semi-crecent and Sirius were also prominent.
Lucky imaging: best 75% frames from 1000 video frames.
Lucky imaging: best 75% frames from 500 video frames. Mosaic of two images, North and South.