Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'

Moon Saturn Occultation

Occultation on 21st Aug 2024 at 4am


1 minute read


  • Rig: ZWO ASI294MC Pro + Stellalyra 6in Classical Cassegrain + HEQ5 Pro
  • Software: Firecapture/PixInsight
  • Filters: None
  • Integration time: Lucky imaging: best 10% frames from 500 video frames.

Saturn disappeared at 04h27 and reappeared at 05h20 BST. Amazingly the blanket of thin swirling cloud lifted 10 minutes before the point of ingress. The night was very windy however and the atmosphere was extremely wobbly precluding any chance of capturing surface details on Saturn. The difference in brightness between Saturn and the Moon necessitated creating a composite image to show both bodies visually.

Moon occultation of Saturn (ingress) - click to expand

Moon occultation of Saturn (ingress) - click to expand

Moon occultation of Saturn (egress) - click to expand

Moon occultation of Saturn (egress) - click to expand

Animation - Moon occultation of Saturn (ingress)

Animation - Moon occultation of Saturn (ingress)

A nice view of Jupiter to finish the evening

A nice view of Jupiter to finish the evening

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