- Camera: ZWO ASI662MC
- Scope: Stellalyra 150mm Classical Cassegrain
- Mount: Sky-Watcher HEQ5-Pro
- Software: Autostakkert, PixInsight, GIMP
- Filters: None
Lucky imaging: mosiac of 9 images using best 25% or 50% frames from 500 video frames.
The line of the terminator was clear and tempting to photograph just two days after full Moon. With the small sensor on the cassegrain, nine overlapping images were needed to make the full image. Inclusing occasional interruptions from passing clouds it took a total of twenty minutes to expose and a couple of hours to piece together manually in GIMP. I limited each component video to 500 frames in order to limit the file sizes and even with such a small sensor (1920px x 1080px) over 35GB data was captured for processing. Autostakkert did a great and rapid job of stacking and BlurXterminator, with custom parameters, sharpened up the results quickly and smoothly.