Moon - North Pole
Also showing some of the prominent craters and features in the North-East quadrant

- Camera: ZWO ASI662MC
- Scope: Stellalyra 150mm Classical Cassegrain
- Mount: Sky-Watcher HEQ5-Pro
- Software: Autostakkert, PixInsight, GIMP
- Filters: None
Lucky imaging: best 25% frames from 2000 video frames. Mosaic of two images
Seeing index: Poor - Very Poor 2/1
Jet stream: Ave (42m/s)
Moon phase: 90%
Transparency: Ave - Poor with frequent banks of cloud
The sky was bouncy last night with a stiff breeze and the jet stream racing at over 40m/s. Live views of the moon were very wobbly and even lucky imaging seemed to struggle to get a decent result. This image shows the North pole of the Moon, Sinus Iridum on the left (semi-circle), and the huge central crater of Plato, Cassini with its two internal craters and below that Aristillus (lower right). Also visible is the Alpine Valley running between Plato and Cassini.