- Camera: ZWO ASI662 planetary camera
- Scope: Stellalyra 150mm Classical Cassegrain
- Mount: Sky-Watcher HEQ5-Pro
- Software: Autostakkert, PixInsight, GIMP
- Filters: None
Integration time:
Main image: Lucky imaging: best 50% frames from 4000 video frames.
Image below: Lucky imaging: best 50% frames from 1000 video frames.
The sky was fairly bouncy and turbulent and the Moon was only a few degrees away but the end result was remarkably good. The new combination of the 1800mm classical cassegrain and the new ASI662 with its small pixels and excellent sensitivity seems perfect. We are a few days away from actual opposition but in this cloudy year it is important to takes one’s chances when one can. Seen below with two of the Galilean moons, Europa and Io, and in the main image above a few days later, showing the Great Red Spot and Io.