Secret Still Observatory

'Star, star teach me how to shine, shine'


2 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 54 X 120s (108m)
    * Total: 1h48m

Seeing index: OK (3)
Jet stream: OK (12 m/s)
Transparency: Good (4)
Moon: 92%


2 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 21 X 300s (105m)
    * Total: 1h45m

    Integration time target
    * Target: 6 hours
    * Progress: 29%

Seeing index: OK/Poor (3/2)
Jet stream: Average (11 m/s)
Transparency: OK (3)

Globular Clusters

A visual comparison of five clusters in the Messier list


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC Between 30 and 60 X 60s per image

Seeing index: Poor (2)
Jet stream: Ave/Good (12 m/s)
Transparency: Good (4)


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 75 X 120s (150m)
    * Total: 2h30m

Seeing index: Poor/average (1/2)
Jet stream: Poor (30 m/s)
Transparency: Average (3)

Markarian's Chain

The beautiful chain of galaxies in Virgo


1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 130 X 180s (390m)
    * Total: 6h30m
    Integration time target
    * Target: 6 hours
    * Progress: 100%

Thursday 18th January



1 minute read

    Integration time (running total):
    * OSC 307 X 180s (921m)
    * Total: 15h21m


January has been a better month for clear skies making astro imaging possible once again. Hooray! M78 in Orion is a reflection nebula approx 1600 light years from Earth with NGC2071 to its North. Also visible is part of the H-Alpha cloud known as Barnard’s Loop which encircles the left-hand/East side of the constellation. Barely visible on following the line of the dark lane in the centre of M78…

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