- Rig: ASI294MC Pro + Orion Optics CT8 + EQ6R-Pro
- Software: NINA/PixInsight
- Filters: Antlia Triband RGB
- Constellation: Leo
Integration time (running total):
* OSC 75 X 120s (150m)
* Total: 2h30m
Seeing index: Poor/average (1/2)
Jet stream: Poor (30 m/s)
Transparency: Average (3)

Seeing forecast
First light with the Stellartuned EQ6-R Pro and the first real opportunity to check the CT8 Newtonian for correct focus/collimation/backfocus/tilt after many months. The scope was reasonably ok but the sky was awful in the wake of yet more storms and rain. Over half of the frames were discarded due to the seeing. The mount performed superbly, tracking at around 0.15"/px.