- Rig: QHY268C + Sky-Watcher 80ED + HEQ5 Pro
- Software: NINA/PixInsight - Software Set 2
- Filters: Antlia ALP-T
Integration time (running total):
* OSC 231 X 300s (1155m)
* Total: 19h15m
Integration time target
* Target: 20 hours
* Progress: 96%
The main observatory mount needs a strip down and re-grease to rectify poor guiding. While this work is undertaken I have switched to the fantastic HEQ5 Pro and the 80mm refractor which consistently guides at an RMS of 0.2 - 0.3"/px and sometimes lower. The Tadpoles and Spider Nebula is a brand new target which should remain visible for 6 hours+ per night for the next six weeks. Autofocus with a dual narrowband filter is challenging during nautical dusk through the light pollution of the city centre.

SH2-236 altitude chart
23rd Jan 2023 A completely clear night forecast. UPDATE Over twelve hours of imaging last night! Seven hours on the Tadpoles followed by four hours on M106. The humidity was high again but the seeing and tracking very slightly better.
Integration time:
* OSC 87 X 300s (430m)
* Total: 7h15m
21st Jan 2023 Another clear night which is forecast to degenerate into fog from 8pm. The humidity is at 99%.
UPDATE: the fog never materialised and seven hours of data were gathered before the target dropped below the horizon. Due to the lack of other narrowband targets in the field of view and not wanting to change filters manually in the early hours, the rig was turned off after the sequence completed. The still night gave very steady imaging but the seeing was affected by the high humidity.
Integration time:
* OSC 84 X 300s (420m)
* Total: 7h00m
20th Jan 2023 A first proper imaging session since mid December due to my having Covid. I’m planning to concentrate on this target for the next few weeks. The atmosphere is somewhat humid (85%) which is affecting the seeing and I am struggling to get the HFR as close to 3 as I would like. Nevertheless after running a PHD2 Guiding Assistant the tracking is excellent and stars nice and round.
Integration time:
* OSC 60 X 300s (300m)
* Total: 5h00m